The event “Ecuador Flowers, expressing LOVE on Chinese Valentine’s Day” will be held between the 9th and 17th of August this year。 It is an online and offline flower promotion event, aiming to increase the awareness of Chinese Consumers about why Ecuadorian flowers are UNIQUE and support all the companies in the whole-chain (exporters, cargo companies, importers, supermarkets, florists and online shops) for working together in identifying actual challenges (e.g。 the logistic cold chain issue) and to continue increasing Ecuador’s exports to China。
今年8月9日至17日 “厄瓜多尔鲜花,在七夕勇敢表达爱”活动即将上线。线上线下的鲜花推广活动旨在让中国消费者了解厄瓜多尔独特的鲜花,为整个供应链(出口商、货运公司、进口商、超市、实体花店和线上花店)提供支持,合力解决挑战(例如物流冷链问题),并持续增加厄瓜多尔对中国的出口量。

For the organization of the event ProEcuador, the Commercial Office of Ecuador and The Consulate General of Ecuador in Shanghai has cooperated with Ecuadorian flower growers, ExpoFlores (Flower Association), Ecuadorian Business Association in China (EBAS), Chinese importers, FlowerPlus, city’super, SpringFlorist, and other sponsors such as R D Strategy, Mimame, Valdani and Logistic Alliance。
为了本次ProEcuador的七夕活动,厄瓜多尔商务处和厄瓜多尔驻上海总领事馆与厄瓜多尔花卉种植者、花卉协会(Flower Association)、中国厄瓜多尔商业协会(EBAS)、中国进口商、花加、city’super超·生活和SpringFlorist泉共同合作,并得到了赞助商的大力支持,如R D Strategy、Mimame、Valdani和Logistic Alliance。
The organizers want to express their immense gratitude to the Ecuadorian flower farmers, namely AGROCOEX, ATTAR, AGROTERRANORTE, ANAFO FLOWERS CAMPTEC, FLOREQUISA, FLORISOL,FLORPAXI, FLORSANI, FLORSEL, MALIMA, MUCHFLOWERS, NARANJO, NATUFLOR,ROCHAROSE, ROSAPRIMA, ROSELAND, SISAPAMBA, TREBOLROSES and FLORECAL who will donate for this campaign around 10000 stems of roses and 6000 stems of gypsophila。

The Ecuadorian flower import to China is growing year by year。 The mainly sold types are roses, which in the last year was surpassed by gypsophila。 Also preserved flowers have an important share of the market。 It is interesting to mention that in 2017 Ecuador has become China’s top supplier of fresh curt flowers (Hscode 0603) by value, according to Chinese Customs Data。
厄瓜多尔对中国的花卉出口量逐年增加。 玫瑰是最主要的出口产品,去年的出口量超过了满天星。 干花也在中国市场占据了客观的份额。 值得注意的是,据中国海关数据显示,2017年厄瓜多尔已经成为中国最大的鲜花供应商(海关编码0603)。

Why Ecuadorian flowers are unique

The special characteristics of Ecuadorian flowers make them unique in the world, and to be considered premium quality products。 The flowers of Ecuador are produced in the plains of the Andes, in equatorial area, where the flowers are exposed to perpendicular sunlight。 The production over 2,000 meters above sea level allows longer life cycle, apart from also contributing to the stronger sunlight。 That makes possible that the Ecuadorian flowers grow large, with strong colors, and long, robust stems - more than in other areas of the planet。 The head can have 6 cm, and stems can go up to one and a half meters。 The country doesn’t have weather seasons, and the Andes is called to enjoy of the “eternal spring”, making it possible to produce flowers during the entire year。
厄瓜多尔鲜花的特殊性确立了其在世界上独一无二的优质产品的地位。 厄瓜多尔的花朵生长在赤道地区安第斯山脉的平原上,沐浴在阳光的直射下。 海拔超过2000米的生长地能够延长花朵的生命周期,获取更多阳光的恩赐。 相比于世界上的其他地区,有利的生长环境使得厄瓜多尔的花朵更大,颜色鲜艳,花茎长而强韧。 花朵长度可达6厘米,花茎更是可以达到一米半。厄瓜多尔没有明显的季节变化,安第斯山脉地区被认为得到了“永恒的春天”的恩赐,一年四季都鲜花怒放。

The production techniques are very advanced with high technology。 FlorEcuador also determined strict standards for the certification of flower production, which takes the respect for the environment and for the human being as crucial requirement - no heavy chemicals used, healthy and safe labour environment, help education of children etc。
Guinness record吉尼斯纪录
Ecuador recently broke the Guinness record for the largest floral arrangement in the world, 546,364 fresh roses replicated the main pyramid of the ruins of Cochasquí, located on the equatorial line。 More than 180 country flower farms participated in the project。 This success could show the beauty of the Ecuadorian rose, but also the dedication and commitment of the Ecuadorains。
厄瓜多尔近期打破了世界上最大花卉建筑的吉尼斯纪录,546364朵新鲜玫瑰组成“玫瑰金字塔”,复制了位于赤道线上的Cochasquí遗址中的金字塔。 180多个国家花卉种植农场参与了该项目。这一纪录展示出了厄瓜多尔玫瑰令人惊叹的美丽,也显示出了厄瓜多尔人的奉献精神和匠人精神。

The logo of Flor Ecuador is an infinite, this means the infinite possibilities that the Ecuadorian floriculture gives to the workers and consumers。 In addition it also carries the emotional sense that a flower can generate among stories, that is, creates connections。
厄瓜多尔花卉协会的无限标志象征着厄瓜多尔花卉行业为劳动者和消费者带来的无限可能性。 此外,它还承载着花朵在一段段浪漫的故事中建立关系的情感意义。

The sectorial brand is an umbrella brand that implies Flor Ecuador Certified and Expo Flor Ecuador (fair in Ecuador)。 This year the first edition of the Expo Flor Ecuador 2018 will be launched。
On the other hand, as regards Flor Ecuador Certified, this is a certification that validates the high standards to guarantee a sustainable product through good social and environmental practices。 Therefore, the farms that have in their products, in their boxes the logo of Flor Ecuador Certified, means they have been evaluated and met certain quality standards。
此外,花卉协会认证代表了产品通过了社会和环境实验的严苛标准,以保证产品的可持续性。 因此,在产品包装盒上标有厄瓜多尔花卉协会认证标志的则意味着它们已经过检测并符合生产质量标准。
ExpoFlores is an Association founded in 1984, which seeks to represent the Ecuadorian floriculture sector as an organized guild。 It also offers services (Logistics and Foreign Trade, Communication-Information-Marketing, Sustainable Development) to meet the needs of its partners in order to generate efficient processes and added value to businesses。
ExpoFlores协会成立于1984,旨在组织厄瓜多尔花卉行业。 它还提供如物流和对外贸易、通讯和营销、可持续发展等服务,以满足合作伙伴的需求,从而为企业建立有效的机制和创造附加值。
[We are happy to make the first edition of the Expo Flor Ecuador 2018 international fair, we hope to have your presence to experience for the first time in Ecuador a unique and personalized experience。
The week of the events start with Flower plus on the 9th of august for the online promotion and then an opening ceremony on the 10th of August with city’super and SpringFlorist for the offline event。
活动周始于8月9日Flower plus的线上促销活动,随后是8月10日的开幕式,由city’super超·生活和SpringFlorist泉组织线下活动。
Regarding to the online promotion, we will cooperate with Flower Plus, that they are specialized in online sales and delivery though monthly subscription around most of China cities。我们与花加合作举办线上活动。花加致力于线上销售,为全国各地每月订花的顾客送花。

Flowerplus花加 is China‘s leading daily flower delivery service provider。 They are the first to create the “daily flower subscription” model。 Together with the “online subscription + locality direct delivery + value-added service” model, in addition to occupy the daily subscription market, Flowerplus accounted for more than 30% in the flower gift market。 Recently, Flowerplus will also devote into offline stores, achieve a wider range of deep-bundling cooperation with 超级物种and box 盒马鲜生, and cover more cities through the form of chain stores。 Flowerplus花加是中国领先的日常鲜花服务商,首创“日常鲜花订阅”模式,凭借“线上订阅+产地直送+增值服务”的模式,花加在守住每周一花订阅市场的同时,在礼品花市场销量占比达30%以上。近期,花加还将全面发力线下门店,与超级物种、盒马鲜生等实现更广范围的深度捆绑合作,通过加盟形式,覆盖更多城市。
In three years, Flowerplus has achieved great success– the number of users has reached 12 million, the monthly shipments have exceeded 3 million boxes, the monthly sales have exceeded 100 million, and the sales in 2017 have reached nearly 800 million。三年的时间, Flowerplus花加交出了一份骄人的成绩单——用户数过1200万人,月发货量过300万盒,单月销售额最高过亿,17年销售近8亿。
During the week a visit to the company of Adidas and to Zhenge Fund Company will be organized, to offer them roses and gypsophila。 Flowers also will be sent to other five cities: Beijing, Wuxi, Guangzhou, Tianjing and Hangzhou。
Regarding the off line event “Ecuador Flowers, expressing LOVE on Chinese Valentine’s Day” will be held in 4 locations of city’super SpringFlorist in Shanghai from August 10th to August 17th。 city’super, a mega lifestyle specialty store, has been dedicated to bring people who enjoy the finer things in life, especially those who are well-off, an extraordinary ‘Super Life’ experience that can only be delivered through the best merchandise, most comfortable environment and most professional services。 And founded in 2005, SpringFlorist is a high quality flower service brand。 They are devoted to provide happiness to customers through their professional flower design。 Ecuadorian flowers are not regularly sold in supermarkets - one of the campaign’s goals aims exactly to change this situation。
线下活动“厄瓜多尔鲜花,在七夕勇敢表达爱”将于8月10日至8月17日在上海city’super超·生活 SpringFlorist泉的4家门店举行。大型生活专门店city’super超‧生活,致力于为热爱美食和生活的人群及高端人士提供高品质的产品、舒适的环境及专业的服务,带来非同凡响的“超生活”体验。

而创始于2005年的SpringFlorist泉,作为高端花艺服务品牌,专注于花香,花型,花色所带来的幸福和愉悦感受。以其专业的花艺赢得顾客的信赖。他们将对自然的敬畏和感恩的心倾注于每一个作品之中,使之成为祝福, 流淌传递在人们之间 “花自绽放 如泉涌我心”。本次互动也旨在带动厄瓜多尔的鲜花在超市中的日常销量。

city’super SpringFlorist Event Stores:
IFC store
LG2, Shanghai ifc mall, 8 Century Avenue, Lujiazui, Pudong New Area
iapm store
LG1, iapm mall, 999 Middle Huaihai Road, Xuhui Area
Taikoo Hui store
LG2, HKRI Taikoo Hui, 789 W.Nanjing Rd。, Jing’an District
Raffles City Changning store
(E)B1, Raffles City Changning, 1139 Changning Road, Changning District
city’super超·生活 SpringFlorist泉活动门店:

Kick-off event on August 10th:
The opening ceremony of “Ecuador Flowers, expressing LOVE on Chinese Valentine’s Day” will be held at city’super SpringFlorist in Shanghai on August 10th。 We will have the Ecuador Government to cut the Ribbon。 There are many activities like Spring Florist Flower show and painting on site, also we will visit the other 3 city’super stores for offering the flowers to the customers“。
On August 17th, the week will end with the “Love Dinner” at city’super。 A couple will enjoy a delicious dinner in a flower-surrounded environment。
本文链接: http://natuflor.immuno-online.com/view-742200.html